Political appointments are an integral part of national security and foreign policy leadership. As we prepare for the next presidential transition, LCWINS will host a series of webinars to help more women pursue, prepare for, and succeed in these pivotal roles.
"Political Appointments: Ambassadorships" is a one-hour session that will cover the different types of ambassadorships, the process of obtaining a position as one, and the reality of serving as one. You'll hear from three LCWINS Leadership Council members with unique perspectives on the process. Ambassador Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley, the former US Ambassador to Malta, and Ambassador Josette Sheeran, the former UN Special Envoy to Haiti, will speak on their experiences becoming ambassadors and highlight core aspects occasionally overlooked. Nilmini Rubin, a former senior aide for both the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee with years of experience processing appointees, will moderate the discussion.
Registration is required. A recording of this webinar will be posted on this event page after the conclusion of the event.
Ambassador Laura Kennedy provided a list of resources for women ambassadors, or women interested in becoming ambassadors, accessible here.